After a little reorganization of shelving units in the Bossidy Commons, our "New & Now" collection is now front and center. Here is where you will find multiple copies of the hottest new adult books and DVDs, available for the taking on a first come, first served basis - no waiting lists, no reserves, no renewals. Books go out for 1 week and DVDs for 3 days; fines are $1.00 per day. You never know what you'll find, but it is well worth the time to browse for a lucky find.
Don't forget to visit the Upper Level for more new adult fiction and non-fiction, the Ellis Family Teen Center for new materials for middle and high school students and the Lodewick Family Children's Library for the latest in books and more for children. And if you don't want to take your chances with New & Now, you can always request to be put on a waiting list for any title.